How Your Thesis Supervisor Answers


All characters appearing in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Student's message : Sir, I really apologize that I take your time for seconds. I truly appreciate if you can make an appointment so I can explain my little problems regarding my research that still on Chapter 1 since 2 semesters ago. Thank you very much.
Thesis Supervisor : Tomorrow, 11 am.

Student : Good afternoon Sir, I have to solve problem X on device Y, because the vendor has only 256K memory limit, so my application doesn't work. I already read all papers and references you gave 1 week ago (actually I read it last night, only the abstracts), but I had no luck (and lazy to search that topic on Google). Also, I'm busy doing a task from Professor W for his seminars 2 days ago (I also told him that I was busy doing my research, actually I was busy playing SomeVille or suck videos on Youtube). Can you give me some advice?
Thesis Supervisor : How do you know I'm here?

Student : (after 1 month not showed up) Sir, may you give more clues how I should write procedure X on Chapter 2?
Thesis Supervisor : Procedure X? Again?

Student's message: Happy birthday Sir..
Thesis Supervisor : Thanks. Still no progress? :)

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